Universal Basic Income

Navigating the Future with Decentralized Technologies

Geoff Richards
14 min readJul 24, 2024

What is Universal Basic Income?

Universal Basic Income (UBI) represents a bold reimagining of social welfare, proposing a system where all citizens or residents of a country regularly receive an unconditional sum of money from the government, regardless of their income or employment status. This concept, once considered radical, has gained significant traction in recent years as societies grapple with rising inequality, technological disruption of labor markets, and the need for more robust social safety nets.

The core principles of UBI include:

  • Universality: Everyone within a defined population receives the payment.
  • Unconditionality: The payment is provided without means testing or work requirements.
  • Regularity: Payments are made at consistent intervals, typically monthly.
  • Cash Payment: The benefit is provided in cash, allowing recipients to use it as they see fit.

While various UBI models exist, they all share the goal of providing a basic level of financial security to all members of society.

To understand the potential impacts of UBI, we can look to one of the most comprehensive studies conducted to date: the recent research led by Sam Altman through OpenResearch. This groundbreaking study provides valuable insights into how UBI might work in practice:

Study Design:

  • Duration: 3 years (started in 2020)
  • Participants: 3,000 low-income individuals from Illinois and Texas
  • Age range: 21–40 years old
  • Average household income: ~$29,000
  • Distribution: 1,000 participants received $1,000/month, 2,000 in control group received $50/month
  • Total cost: $60 million, with $14 million from Altman personally and $10 million from OpenAI

This extensive study aimed to understand the effects of UBI on various aspects of recipients’ lives, from employment and health to personal agency and community support. Its scale and duration make it one of the most significant UBI experiments conducted in the United States, offering a wealth of data to inform the ongoing debate about UBI’s feasibility and impacts.

Why Could UBI Work?

Altman’s study revealed several promising outcomes that suggest UBI could be an effective tool for addressing economic inequality and improving quality of life. Let’s delve deeper into these findings:

Minimal Impact on Employment: One of the primary concerns about UBI is that it might discourage work. However, the study found that recipients worked only 1.3 fewer hours per week on average, and were only 2% less likely to be employed. This challenges the notion that UBI would significantly reduce workforce participation. Instead, it suggests that UBI could provide individuals with more flexibility in their work choices without causing a mass exodus from the labor market.

Increased Job Seeking and Quality: Interestingly, participants were 10% more likely to actively search for jobs and more inclined to select meaningful work. This indicates that rather than discouraging work, UBI might empower individuals to seek out employment that aligns better with their skills and interests. The financial security provided by UBI could allow people to take risks in their career choices, potentially leading to better job matches and increased productivity.

Improved Financial Security: Overall spending among UBI recipients increased by $310 per month, primarily on essentials like food ($67 increase), rent ($52 increase), and transportation ($50 increase). This suggests that UBI could help address basic needs and reduce financial stress for low-income individuals. Moreover, recipients spent an additional $22 per month to support others, indicating potential positive ripple effects within communities.

Enhanced Personal Development: Recipients were 14% more likely to pursue education or job training in the final year of the study. This finding is particularly significant as it suggests that UBI could contribute to human capital development, potentially leading to long-term improvements in earning capacity and economic mobility.

Increased Mobility and Housing Stability: Participants showed an 11% increase in ability to move neighborhoods and were 5% more likely to pay for housing. This increased housing stability and mobility could have far-reaching effects, potentially allowing individuals to move to areas with better job opportunities or improved living conditions.

Greater Personal Agency: Recipients reported an increased sense of flexibility and autonomy in life choices. They were more likely to set and achieve personal goals and demonstrated a greater ability to plan for the future and budget their finances. This enhanced sense of control over one’s life could lead to improved mental health and overall life satisfaction.

Support for Others: Participants used 26% more money to help others compared to the control group. This finding suggests that UBI could strengthen social bonds and community resilience, as individuals with more financial security may be more capable and willing to support those around them.

Health and Healthcare: While the study didn’t find significant immediate effects on physical health measures, it did reveal a 10% increase in the probability of receiving dental care and an overall increase in the utilization of medical care. This suggests potential for long-term health benefits as individuals become more proactive about their healthcare.

Entrepreneurship: The study found an increased likelihood of participants starting their own businesses. This indicates that UBI could serve as a safety net that encourages entrepreneurial risk-taking, potentially driving innovation and economic growth.

These findings suggest that UBI could provide a safety net that empowers individuals to make choices that improve their long-term prospects and overall well-being. By addressing basic financial needs, UBI appears to create a foundation from which individuals can pursue personal development, take calculated risks, and contribute more fully to their communities.

However, it’s important to note that the study also revealed some limitations. For instance, health improvements were not immediately evident, suggesting that income alone may not address all health-related issues. Additionally, some benefits were more pronounced for higher-income recipients within the study group, highlighting the complexity of UBI’s effects across different income levels.

Despite these nuances, the overall results of Altman’s study provide compelling evidence for the potential benefits of UBI. They challenge many preconceptions about how individuals might respond to unconditional cash transfers and paint a picture of UBI as a tool for empowerment rather than dependency.

What Role Could Digital Identity and Centralized Stablecoins Play?

As we consider the implementation of UBI on a large scale, it becomes clear that efficient systems for identity verification and fund distribution are crucial. This is where digital identity systems and centralized stablecoins could play significant roles:

Efficient Distribution: Digital identity systems could streamline the process of verifying eligibility and distributing payments. By creating a secure digital profile for each recipient, governments could ensure that UBI payments are delivered quickly and accurately. This could significantly reduce administrative costs and delays associated with traditional welfare programs.

Fraud Prevention: Robust digital identity verification could help prevent duplicate claims and ensure that UBI reaches its intended recipients. By creating unique digital identifiers for individuals, it becomes much harder for anyone to claim multiple UBI payments or to claim payments on behalf of non-existent individuals.

Financial Inclusion: For unbanked or underbanked populations, digital identities linked to digital wallets could provide a means of receiving and managing UBI funds. This could be particularly impactful in developing countries or among marginalized communities where traditional banking services are less accessible.

Stable Value: Centralized stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value relative to a reference asset (often the US dollar), could ensure that the value of UBI payments remains consistent. This would protect recipients from the volatility often associated with cryptocurrencies, ensuring that the purchasing power of their UBI remains stable over time.

Transparent Tracking: Blockchain technology, which underlies many stablecoin systems, could provide clear, immutable records of fund distribution and usage. This transparency could help build public trust in UBI programs and facilitate research into their economic impacts.

Real-time Adjustments: Digital systems could allow for real-time adjustments to UBI payments based on changing economic conditions or individual circumstances. This flexibility could make UBI programs more responsive and effective.

Cross-border Functionality: In an increasingly globalized world, digital identity systems and stablecoins could facilitate UBI payments across national borders. This could be particularly relevant for migrant workers or in regions with high levels of cross-border movement.

Reduced Transaction Costs: Digital distribution of UBI through stablecoins could significantly reduce transaction costs associated with traditional money transfers. This could mean that a larger proportion of the funds allocated for UBI actually reaches the recipients.

Data Insights: While raising privacy concerns (which we’ll address in the next section), the data generated by digital UBI distribution could provide valuable insights into economic behavior and the impacts of UBI. This could help in refining and optimizing UBI programs over time.

Integration with Other Services: Digital identity systems could potentially integrate with other government services, streamlining access to a range of social benefits beyond UBI.

The potential of these technologies to facilitate large-scale UBI implementation is significant. They offer solutions to many of the logistical challenges that have historically made UBI seem impractical. However, as we’ll explore in the next section, these benefits come with considerable risks that must be carefully considered and addressed.

Why Could That Be Dangerous?

While digital identity systems and centralized stablecoins offer potential benefits for UBI implementation, they also pose significant risks that must be carefully considered:

Privacy Concerns: Centralized digital identity systems could enable unprecedented levels of surveillance and data collection. Every transaction made with UBI funds could potentially be tracked and analyzed, raising serious privacy concerns. This level of financial surveillance could be used to monitor and control citizens’ behavior, potentially infringing on civil liberties.

Single Points of Failure: Centralized databases are vulnerable to large-scale breaches and system failures. A successful attack on a centralized UBI distribution system could compromise the personal and financial data of millions of recipients. Moreover, technical failures in a centralized system could disrupt UBI payments, potentially leaving vulnerable populations without access to essential funds.

Censorship and Control: Central authorities could potentially freeze funds or block transactions, limiting individual financial freedom. In extreme cases, this power could be used as a tool of political control, with governments potentially able to cut off UBI payments to dissidents or activists.

Exclusion Risks: Those without access to required technology (smartphones, internet access, etc.) might be left out of UBI programs relying on digital systems. This could exacerbate existing inequalities and potentially exclude some of the most vulnerable populations who could benefit most from UBI.

Data Monopolies: Centralized systems could lead to the concentration of valuable personal and financial data in the hands of a few entities. This concentration of data could give these entities (whether governmental or private) significant power and influence.

Technological Dependency: Relying heavily on digital systems for UBI distribution could create a dangerous dependency on technology. System outages or cyber attacks could have immediate and severe impacts on recipients’ ability to meet basic needs.

Identity Theft and Fraud: While digital systems aim to reduce fraud, they also create new opportunities for sophisticated cyber criminals. Identity theft in a UBI system could have devastating consequences for individuals who rely on these payments.

Monetary Policy Implications: The widespread use of stablecoins for UBI could have significant implications for monetary policy. Central banks might find it more challenging to implement effective monetary policy if a large portion of the money supply is in the form of stablecoins.

International Power Dynamics: If a single country’s stablecoin becomes the de facto currency for international UBI programs, it could give that country significant economic and political leverage on the global stage.

Algorithmic Bias: The algorithms used to manage digital identity systems and UBI distribution could potentially embed and amplify existing societal biases, leading to unfair treatment of certain groups.

Loss of Financial Privacy: The use of digital currencies for UBI could effectively eliminate the option of cash transactions, leading to a loss of financial privacy for recipients.

Difficulty in Opting Out: As digital systems become the norm for UBI distribution, it might become increasingly difficult for individuals to opt out of these systems without also opting out of receiving UBI, creating a coercive dynamic.

These risks highlight the need for careful consideration and robust safeguards in the implementation of digital systems for UBI. While the potential benefits are significant, the potential for abuse and unintended negative consequences is equally substantial. This brings us to the consideration of decentralized alternatives, which aim to capture the benefits of digital systems while mitigating many of these risks.

Why Decentralized Identities and Stablecoins Offer a Plausible Alternative

Decentralized systems address many of the concerns associated with centralized approaches, offering a promising alternative for UBI implementation:

Enhanced Privacy: Decentralized identity allows individuals to control what personal information they share and with whom. Instead of storing all personal data in a central database, decentralized systems allow users to store their data locally and share only the necessary information for each interaction. This “self-sovereign identity” approach significantly reduces the risk of large-scale data breaches and unauthorized surveillance.

Increased Security: By eliminating central points of vulnerability, decentralized systems reduce the risk of large-scale data breaches. In a decentralized system, an attacker would need to compromise multiple nodes simultaneously to access significant amounts of data, making large-scale breaches much more difficult.

User Empowerment: Individuals have greater control over their personal data and financial assets in decentralized systems. Users can choose which aspects of their identity to share for different purposes, maintaining privacy while still accessing necessary services. This aligns well with the empowerment ethos of UBI.

Censorship Resistance: Decentralized systems are more resistant to arbitrary freezing of funds or blocking of transactions. Because no single entity controls the entire system, it becomes much more difficult for any authority to unilaterally cut off an individual’s access to their UBI funds.

Interoperability: Decentralized systems often offer better compatibility between different platforms and services. This could allow for more flexible and adaptable UBI systems that can evolve with changing needs and technologies.

Transparency: Decentralized stablecoins can provide full visibility into the collateral supporting the coin, fostering trust among users. The use of public blockchains allows for unprecedented levels of transparency in how UBI funds are distributed and used, without compromising individual privacy.

Global Accessibility: Decentralized systems could enable a global “proof of personhood” system without relying on a single centralized authority. This could be particularly valuable for implementing UBI programs that cross national boundaries or for serving populations that lack traditional forms of identification.

Resilience: Decentralized systems are inherently more resilient to outages and attacks. If one part of the system fails, the rest can continue to function, ensuring continuity of UBI payments even in adverse circumstances.

Innovation and Adaptation: Decentralized systems often foster more innovation as they allow for permissionless development. This could lead to a more rapid evolution of UBI systems in response to changing needs and circumstances.

Reduced Costs: While initial setup costs might be high, decentralized systems can potentially reduce long-term operational costs by eliminating the need for central authorities to manage and secure large databases.

Prevention of Data Monopolies: By distributing data and control across a network, decentralized systems prevent the formation of data monopolies that could exert undue influence over UBI programs.

Preservation of Anonymity: Decentralized systems can be designed to preserve anonymity in day-to-day transactions while still allowing for necessary identity verification for UBI distribution. This balance is much harder to achieve in centralized systems.

Community Governance: Many decentralized systems incorporate community governance models, allowing users to have a say in how the system evolves. This could lead to UBI programs that are more responsive to the needs and preferences of recipients.

Mitigation of Political Risks: Decentralized systems are less vulnerable to political interference or manipulation. This could help ensure the long-term stability and reliability of UBI programs across changes in government or political climate.

While decentralized systems are not without their own challenges — including issues of scalability, user experience, and regulatory compliance — they offer a promising path forward for UBI implementation that aligns closely with the principles of individual empowerment and economic freedom that underpin the UBI concept.

As we continue to explore and refine UBI programs, the integration of decentralized identity and stablecoin technologies could play a crucial role in creating systems that are not only efficient and effective but also respectful of individual rights and resistant to abuse.

Call to Action

As we stand at the intersection of social policy and technological innovation, it’s crucial that we actively engage in shaping the future of UBI. Here are some steps you can take:

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about UBI research, including studies like Sam Altman’s, as well as developments in digital identity technologies and decentralized finance. Understanding these complex topics is the first step in contributing meaningfully to the conversation.

Advocate for Privacy: Support policies and projects that prioritize user privacy and data control in UBI implementations. Engage with local and national policymakers to express the importance of privacy-preserving technologies in any potential UBI programs.

Participate in Pilot Programs: If UBI pilot programs are available in your area, consider participating. Your experience and feedback can provide valuable data for researchers and policymakers. If direct participation isn’t possible, follow the results of these programs closely and share insights with your community.

Support Decentralized Solutions: This could involve supporting open-source projects, participating in decentralized governance systems, or advocating for the integration of these technologies in proposed UBI programs. Consider learning about and using decentralized technologies in your own life to gain firsthand experience of their potential and limitations.

Engage in Public Discourse: Share your thoughts and concerns about UBI and its implementation with policymakers, in public forums, and on social media. Participate in local town halls, write to your representatives, or contribute to online discussions. Your voice can help shape the public narrative around UBI and the technologies used to implement it.

Demand Options: Push for the inclusion of decentralized identity and stablecoin options in any proposed UBI programs. Advocate for systems that allow individuals to choose how they receive and manage their UBI funds, including options that prioritize privacy and user control.

Support Research: Encourage and support further research into UBI and its implementation. This could involve donating to research initiatives, participating in studies, or advocating for increased public funding for UBI research.

Collaborate Across Disciplines: Promote collaboration between economists, technologists, policymakers, and community leaders. The successful implementation of UBI will require insights from various fields, and interdisciplinary efforts are crucial.

Consider Ethical Implications: Engage in discussions about the ethical implications of UBI and the technologies used to implement it. Consider issues such as data privacy, financial autonomy, and the societal impacts of widespread basic income.

Prepare for Change: As UBI could significantly alter economic dynamics, consider how it might affect your community and profession. Engage in conversations about adapting education, work, and social systems to a world where basic needs are more universally met.

Experiment with Decentralized Technologies: Gain hands-on experience with decentralized identity systems and cryptocurrencies. This firsthand knowledge can help you better understand the potential and limitations of these technologies in UBI implementation.

Promote Financial Literacy: Advocate for and participate in initiatives that promote financial literacy. If UBI becomes a reality, it will be crucial for recipients to understand how to manage and invest their funds effectively.

By taking an active role in these discussions and decisions, we can help ensure that the future of UBI serves the needs of all individuals while respecting fundamental rights to privacy and financial autonomy. The promise of UBI, as demonstrated by Sam Altman’s study, is significant. It’s our responsibility to ensure its implementation respects and enhances individual freedoms through the use of decentralized technologies.

Remember, the path to implementing UBI is complex and will require ongoing dialogue, research, and refinement. Your engagement in this process can help shape a future where economic security is more widely accessible, and where the technologies used to achieve this security are aligned with values of privacy, autonomy, and individual empowerment.

As we move forward, let’s strive to create UBI systems that not only provide economic support but also preserve and enhance the freedoms and dignities that are fundamental to human flourishing. The convergence of UBI with decentralized technologies offers an unprecedented opportunity to reimagine our social support systems. By actively participating in this process, we can help steer this powerful combination towards outcomes that benefit individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

The future of economic security is in our hands. Let’s work together to ensure it’s a future that empowers and uplifts us all.

